Monday, November 23, 2009

For those who need this most

Without giving away a million details I'm just going to say that right now is a scary time. It's a time when I reflect back on the importance of life and look forward with the faith I have. For some this blog may mean nothing but I know of a few who will really appreciate these words.
Yesterday during the passing of the sacrament I was in deep thought and intense prayer. *side note: every time I sing in the choir during sacrament meeting I sit next to the same lady and I always seem to cry...she probably thinks I'm a sorry sap.* Anyway, while I was in deep thought a hymn popped into my head and I haven't been able to get it out since. Granted, I only "married into" the importance of this hymn but it is still very dear and close to my heart.

Let us all press on in the work of the Lord,
That when life is o'er we may gain a reward;
In the fight for right let us wield a sword,
The mighty sword of truth.

Fear not, though the enemy deride;
Courage, for the lord is on our side.
We will heed not what the wicked may say,
But the Lord a lone we will obey.

We will not retreat, though our numbers may be few
When compared with the opposite host in view;
But an unseen power sill aid me and you
In the glorious cause of truth.


If we do what's right we have no need to fear,
For the Lord, our helper, will ever be near;
In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer,
And prosper the cause of truth.

To those who might need this most know that the Lord will comfort us and bless us. Even though times are tough and little scary we must have faith! I love you.


Sarahie said...

This song has been playing in my head for weeks! Thanks Lu!

Jeigh said...

Thanks for reminding me of those words. They have been a comfort all my life and especially now. I love you!

Suzi Hardy said...

Very beautiful. How interesting that this song has been rumbling around in my head too. The words are spectatular and encouraging. The Lord IS on our side and we have no need to fear.
I love you boocoos forever

Erin said...

unlike the others, this song has not been in my head until now...and your blog was exactly what I needed. Thank you, Luanne. I love you.