Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's back....

Have you ever had this....?

I am not responsible for drool on your computer screen.


Unfortunately, Orville Redenbacher hates all people and took it away. You can buy a bag on Ebay for like $200 but that's totally hardly not at all worth it.

I am a believer, though, and think one day it will come back. I stop by the popcorn aisle every time I'm at the grocery store just in case. Today, I was satisfied.

Today I found

Ok, Ok. It's not the same exact thing. But we are heading in the right direction, right? I can't wait to try it. Hopefully it tastes somewhat like the original.


morgan and tina said...

:] I'm glad you're loving San Diego! I'm pretty jealous that you're living there, I have never tasted the popcorn, and way to go with the bike! true inspiration!

Sarahie said...

oh, man. You got me all excited! I have tried that extra cheddar stuff and it's pretty good, but it's no pour-over cheddar. =( *sniff*